e v o l v i n g together
Click play to 𖦹 e v o l v e 𖦹 together with Hannah, the Life;Style Coach, and leading experts in the field of well-being to learn about topics such as easeful expression and becoming our best selves through practice, patience, and trust in the universe. Stay tuned for Ayurvedic wisdom, Journaling practices, Human Design insights, Healthy Rituals & Habits, Angel Number secrets, and more 𖦹
e v o l v i n g together
Finding B A L A N C E w/ Ayurveda Sarah
I interviewed my Ayurvedic Coach and friend of 3+ years, Sarah Schiff, who has been a special spiritual teacher and mentor for me on this path.
Ayurveda Sarah’s Website (she works virtually and in-person!)
Find Ayurveda Sarah on Social Media
Sarah's potent Ayurvedic book rec:
The Path of Practice: A Woman's Book of Ayurvedic Healing by Bri. Maya Tiwari
20 minute Silva Mind Control Alpha Meditation by MindValley
“It is only us who decides the course of our life; I’m here to make mine count.” - Hannah, the Life;Style Coach 🦋
Learn alongside me as we uncover powerful spiritual wisdom, listen to unexpected tales of beautiful life lessons, and experience thought-provoking teachings from humans who are all e v o l v i n g, just like you and me.
Thank you for joining me on this journey of growth, learning, and overcoming fears through sharing my voice 🌀
See you on the other side where the grass is always green 🙏🏼
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